Sierra Wildlife Coalition
Our Story
We formed in the fall of 2010, when our local county road department (DPW) killed a family of beavers in Kings Beach. They had killed another beaver family in the same location in 2009. They hired a state crew to destroy the beavers' dam and lodge, leaving the adult pair and 2 kits (babies) with no protection for several days before hired agents came and shot the family. Not only is this continued killing inhumane, but it is also costly to taxpayers year after year. The 2010 costs alone amounted to about $10,000 (the California Conservation Crew cost $8,500 for the week, per the CCC Director, plus an estimated $1,500 in county costs for administration, refuse disposal, erosion control, and the county wildlife agents who shot the beavers).
We formed an unincorporated non-profit association to work with agencies and homeowners to employ simple and non-lethal solutions for living with our local beavers and all wildlife. Through education, we try to bring an appreciation of wildlife, and provide knowledge of easy precautions to avoid and/or solve any conflicts.

Our Newsletters 2010--2022
(See more notes about our newsletters on the next page)

SWC Board Meeting
Dwayne, Sherry, Toogee w/ Max & Miss Lily

Mosquito Larval Density Study

Beaver tracks in snow
Toogee on TV-Channel 8, Reno

w/ USFS Jean Norman and Smokey Bear
Our Volunteers

Sherry Guzzi
Co-Founder of Sierra Wildlife Coalition, Director-North Lake Tahoe, Secretary-Treasurer; a retired architect who has lived and worked full-time in the Tahoe City area for 40+ years

Toogee Sielsch
Director-South Lake Tahoe 2015-2020 Tireless supporter of all wildlife. Now
his focus is our black bears, of all colors, that he loves - check out his trail-cam videos on facebook at tahoetoogee

Dana Spencer
Our most versatile Volunteer, Dana has helped with Pond Leveler installations, many tree-protection sand-paintings,
and also at our SWC booths at festivals

Dwayne Crenshaw
Star Volunteer for both 2016 & 2017,
Dwayne was always ready to help. Dwayne moved back east to be with family. He will be missed!

Ted Guzzi
Co-Founder, Executive Director emeritus;
His degree in biology and experience as a contractor who specialized in custom log homes were invaluable for installations of Pond Levelers and other devices, and his artistic talents are seen in all our graphics.

Sheri Hartstein
Wildlife Photographer and volunteer,
her photographs grace our displays and presentations, and she is always ready to help at our booths.